News – Work In Progress 移民系列神曲

Flowers On The Stone / 石头上的花
We The Immigrants / 移民的人在做什么

Who is lijz?

Li, Jian Zhong  =  李建忠 = Jason Li  =  李药  =  Dr. Ugli

李药 dr.ugli


He immigrated to Canada at the age of 16 and has lived in Toronto ever since. Established Children’s Hospital band, as well as one of the founders of Toronto based music label Briefnote, he released records in different genres such as folk, electronic and experimental music, behind which he reveals himself as a madman who loves storytelling.

What is lijzlab?

This is the lab where my creativity is experimented.

Who is Dr. Ugli?

Dr. Ugli is a moniker that I use to release experimental/electronic music. Ugli is a fruit from Jamaica in case you are wondering.

What is Children’s Hospital?

Children’s Hospital is an indie band based on Toronto, in which I write and sing original folk songs.




Sometimes I forget, if you happen to be here, please remind me that I was here too.